Photos from a recent shoot for the neck gaiter and headwear brand BUFF, who recently teamed up with Protect Our Winters (POW). It’s the beginning winter, and climber and mountaineer extraordinaire, Frenchman Mathieu Maynadier, is waiting for the waterfalls to freeze. This truly unique time of season, when ice forms, comes later with each passing year. He shares with us his thoughts about the future of ice climbing. Read the full article on the BUFF website.
Climbing with Mathieu Maynadier
Mathieu Maynadier is a high-mountain guide, climber, skier, paraglider pilot, and globetrotter, and tremendously curious about the world around him. He likes to push his abilities beyond the edge of the envelope, and his natural talent combined with a rigorous training program has led him to the highest level of his sport in some of the world’s most extreme environments. Yet seeking adrenaline is only one side of this Frenchman’s personality; his close friend call him Mémé. We spoke with Mathieu about climate change and what motivates him to continue.